I will be updating my young adult girls shortly. There are lots of ladies that I have to take pictures of. Please check back.
Noble's Fancy Nancy "Nancy" - black brindle Merl with white markings Nancy is a medium female Frenchie, about 23 lbs. She is a lover and an awesome Mom. Her first litter was with Bernard and all piebalds. We expect the same with possibly a Merle or two.
Noble's Chantilly Lace "Tilly" - chocolate & tan Tilly is a small girl, about 18 lbs, with a super big tongue, perfect for smootches! She is a bouncy, happy and loves everyone...even the cat!
Noble's Lump of Sugar-Retired "Sugar" - cream Sugar is small, thick (she is halfway through her first pregnancy in these pictures) and just a happy girl.
Noble's Eve of Destruction-Retired "Evie" - fawn Evie is a traditional colored brickhouse. She is thick and stout but a big baby, calm & laid-back.
Noble's Princess Fiona-Retired Fiona - black & tan Fiona is a small, smart, lovely girl. She has just had her first litter and is a fabulous Mom.
Noble's American Beauty Lizzy-Retired Lizzy - black brindle with white markings Lizzy is a tiny package of joy! She had just had puppies in these pictures and was showing off in her normal zoomies. She is so hard to get a good picture of her face, she either has her ears down or she's off running again.
Noble's Itty Bitty Bonnie-Retired "Bonnie" - black brindle Bonnie is little, thick, and smart. She is your "meeter & greeter", she loves everyone and is a happy girl!
Noble's Hey Good Lookin'-Retired "Ava" - black brindle Ava is small and still young. She is very sweet and was shedding out. She has baby fat still too.